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japanese forwarding service

Some Japanese shops accept payments from you, but do not ship overseas. In this case, you can forward the item to our warehouse and we will arrange the international shipment for you.This service is available only when you pay for the item yourself. We do not accept Cash on Delivery (COD). If the shop only accepts C.O.D, please use our shopping service. Please note that our forwarding service is not available for items on auction sites.


Our commission is calculated based on the box size of your item (). If you purchase multiple items at a shop and they arrive in one parcel, we combine the commission. However, if the items arrive separately, the commission is calculated on each box.

Total size
~60cm $5.00
61~80cm $6.00
81~100cm $7.00
101~120cm $8.00
121~140cm $9.00
141cm~ $10.00

Total size = length + depth + height

Consolidation fee
If you buy multiple items, we will combine them in one box for free!

Transaction fee
5% of the total.

Fee example

In case multiple items arrive in one package

Video game : (in box A)
CD : (in box A)

Box size : 50cm
Commission $5
Transaction fee $0.25
Total $5.25

In case multiple items arrive separately

Toy, book, poster : (in box A)
CD : (in box B)

Box size A : 90cm
Box size B : 50cm
Commission $12.00(=5+7)
Transaction fee $0.60
Total $12.60

Shipping to your home
Postal charge from our warehouse to your home. Please refer to the shipping information for further information.

Other fees

Following fees are not usual. We will charge these fees only when necessary.

Storage fee
If you leave your item for more than 30 days without making a shipping request, a $1.00 storage fee will be imposed per day on each item. If another 30 days have passed without a shipping request, the item will become the property of Japamart and be resold to cover our expenses.
Please note: Large items occupy a lot of space. Please make a shipping request for a large item within 3 days or a $1.00 storage fee will be imposed per day on each item. We send you a notification by e-mail if your item falls into this category.
Large items

Late payment fee
You have 72 hours to pay for items after we send you the invoice. You need to pay your invoice by sending money via Paypal or applying your deposited money toward the invoice within 72 hours after we send it to you. If we cannot confirm the payment by the deadline, your deposit will be automatically used to pay the invoice.
If your deposit is not enough to clear the invoice, we will send you a notice by e-mail and you need to pay it via Paypal within the next 24 hours. Otherwise you will be subject to a $10 of late payment fee. Then, another $10.00 fee will be imposed each additional 10 days period. If 30 days have passed without a payment, the item will become the property of Japamart and be disposed of or resold to recoup our expenses.

Handling fee
Surcharge for a heavy, large or breakable item that needs more special packing than normal.

Payment method

We basically accept Paypal and credit card through Paypal. If you cannot use Paypal, we accept bank transfer as well. In this case, a fee for transferring money would be borne by you. Please note that we cannot accept a payment via Paypal if you buy items which are against Paypal's policy.

Prohibited item

・ Very large or heavy items (Please read the Large items & Car parts section)
・ Items that we need to pick up at the seller's place
・ Plants
・ Aerosol cans,air spray
・ Guns (Model Guns)
・ Drugs
・ Alchohol,cigarettes
・ Chemicals
・ Real estate
・ Intangible items (Services/items which cannot be physically shipped)
・ Items under the Washington Convention
・ Lithium-ion batteries (available in some countries)
・ Speakers
・ Wireless headphones, wireless earphones
・ Lighters
・ Illegal items
・ Flammable or explosive items
ex) Bleach,mercury, manicure instruments, nail polishers, perfume etc.
・ Some types of auto parts -
  • Wheels with tires (Wheels without tires are not prohibited)
  • Steering wheels with airbags (Steering wheels without airbags are not prohibited)
  • Suspensions
  • Parts of engines
  • Carbureters
  • Parts which touched gasoline/oil.

    Please also closely check the website of Japan Post.


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